torsdag 13 november 2014

Filmer om Australien

Här är ett gäng filmer om Australien som man kan titta på för att hitta fakta till sin Australienbok.

Man behöver kanske skaffa ett konto på för några av dem. Fråga om hjälp :)

Lite historia och om vardagslivet i Australien

Djur i Australien:

Australiens historia:

måndag 27 oktober 2014

Öva språk!

På den här länken finns massor av onlineövningar för att öva språk. Om du vill göra dem på ipaden behöver du öppna länken i puffin då det är flashbaserat.

tisdag 20 maj 2014

Writing a film review

1. Introduction
Make the reader interested in reading your review

2. Background
Describe the movie

3. Review
Your opinion on the movie

4. Discussion
Justify your opinion

5. Finish
Repeat your review and encourage/discourage people to see the film

When you've finished writing, answer this short questionnaire:

tisdag 6 maj 2014

What not to do in France

Winter's Bone

Winter’s Bone
Part 1

You’re going to film yourselves when you discuss these questions. Do this in groups of three. Make sure everyone speaks and that you elaborate and motivate your answers.

  • What is the film about?
  • What are the most important scenes?
  • Describe the scenery. Where does the movie take place? Landscape, houses etc.
  • Who is Ree? Describe her.
  • Describe Ree’s family. The siblings, mother, father.
  • What is Ree’s relation to the family, what is her role?
  • What does Ree teach her siblings?
  • What about the burnt down house? Why did the man bring her there?
  • Who do you think killed Jessup?
  • Why do you think anyone wanted to kill him?
  • Which scene did you react to the most? Like/didn’t like, weird etc..
  • What did you think about the ending? Was it happy/sad, how would you’ve wanted it to end etc.
  • What is the message of this film?
  • What is your opinion on the film? Justify!

Publish the video on Youtube and send me a link or upload it on Google Drive and share it with me. emma.prene (schnabel-a)

Part 2
When you’ve finished the discussion, you’re going to watch this interview with Jennifer Lawrence individually.

Write a short summary (about 100-200 words) of the interview.

tisdag 1 april 2014

Comme une Française

Comme une Française har massor av videor där hon presenterar franska fraser och fenomen. I den här videon tar hon upp flera olika sätt man säger "ja" på. Det finns också en video om hur man säger nej, ifall man nu inte är sugen på en kaffe och croissant.

Klicka in på hennes kanal så finns det ännu fler videor!

tisdag 18 mars 2014

Film Survey

tisdag 4 mars 2014

Questions The Truman Show

Why do you think The Truman Show has so many viewers? What makes it so popular?

What are the signs that he is in a tv-show? 

Who has the power of the Truman show?

Why is Truman afraid of water? Why do you think they made him afraid of water?

What do you think will happen to Truman when he comes out of Seahaven? Who will he meet, what will he do?

Why do they have product placement in the tv-show? Give some examples.

What is the message of the film?

What in the film could be true?

What in the film feels more unrealistic?

What is the message of this film?

There are many shows on TV with real people and situations. What is fiction and what is reality in these shows, such as Paradise Hotel, Big Brother, Let's Dance, Top Model etc?

Is it ethically correct to use people in these kinds of TV-shows as entertainment?

Imagine that your headmaster has been approached to allow a television series to be made about your
school or college. Do you think the filming would be allowed? If not what would the reasons be?

What do you think of the film?

tisdag 4 februari 2014

Talad franska

Fransmännen drar gärna ihop sina meningar, den här videon förklarar i steg hur till exempel Je ne sais pas kan bli till endast Ché pas.

tisdag 21 januari 2014

Glosboken sjuor

Här är länk till sjuornas franska på glosboken!

måndag 20 januari 2014


Voici les mots de meubles. 
Orden som om är inringade är i läxa till fredag v 4! :)

torsdag 16 januari 2014

Fransk musik

Här är min Spotifylista med massor av fransk musik! Fritt fram att lägga till fler bra franska låtar :)
Klicka på länken:
